my projects

i like to build web apps outside of work too 🤠

Rise Up League

9/2023 - present

Monorepo for the Rise Up League. Site built with TypeScript, React, Next.js (App Router), shadcn-ui component library, and TailwindCSS. Utilizing MongoDB and Mongoose ORM for the backend, registration done through Stripe. Deployed with Vercel.

9/2022 - present

Simple portfolio website you're currently viewing! Site built with TypeScript, Astro and TailwindCSS. Using Spotify API to retrieve current listening status. Deployed with Vercel.

Freedom in Christ Church Website

2/2022 - present

Monorepo site for the Freedom in Christ Church based in Mississauga. Website built with TypeScript, Svelte, SvelteKit, CMS, and the SkeletonUI component library. Deployed with Vercel.